A professional resume is one of the most effective self-marketing tools in the job market. It can be sent over the Internet, and by mail, and transmitted in person. Send them to firms, recruitment agencies, take them with you to an interview. Your resume can be stored in different databases, increasing the likelihood of a favorable job search outcome. A good resume introduces you as a professional, helping the employer quickly see the benefits of working with you.

In practice, the resume that the employer gets to receive often leaves much to be desired, turn out to be unsuitable, or even create a negative impression of the candidate.

How to write a professional resume correctly? First, a few general principles:

  • You are writing your resume not for yourself, but for a potential employer, so it should be easy to read. You don't want your employer to get annoyed and wrinkle his brow trying to figure out your writing.
  • In most cases, a resume is read only once. They don't even read it, but look it over, spending no more than one or two minutes on it. If, looking at the resume, the employer does not see something interesting, it will, at best, be in some folder.
  • A resume is the first step. Its main purpose is to interest. It shouldn't be cumbersome (ideal - 1 page): you don't have to paint your whole life. But those few things that are reflected in the resume need to be presented in such a way that the employer or his representative wants to meet with you in person.

Resume help

If, despite everything, it is still difficult for you to write a resume, you can turn to a professional writer. Resume professional writers are a great way to stand out and be remembered by the employer.

Hire time from consultants who will create a new resume or improve, complete and review multiple resumes in accordance with the rules and standards. Let's highlight your successes and strengths. Their prices do not represent value, but represent an investment that will be returned to you upon the first payment or order.

How will they write your resume:

  • No templates! Every resume on Resumegets is created from the very beginning, according to your personality and desired position.
  • Experts will point out your successes and strengths. Clearly and concisely so that staff can immediately find the information they need.
  • Three consultants take part in each resume: two process the content, the third performs linguistic proofreading.

How is the resume drawn up?

  • You will be sent about 20 unique questions to help you determine your success and strengths.
  • The information will be processed by an experienced professional familiar with your field or industry. While writing your resume, he may contact you to clarify some details and, if necessary, strengthen the weaknesses of the resume.
  • He gives the completed resume to his colleague for editing. Finally, the text is checked by a proofreader.
  • Done! The resume is sent to you for approval and after that the final version is finalized. Within a week after receiving all the documents, you have a ready-made professional resume or cover letter.
