Everyone knows that the Chinese horoscope is divided into twelve cycles, each of which is named after an animal. But not everyone knows that each year is influenced by one of the five elements. These are Water, Wood, Fire, Metal and Earth.
To determine which year an element belongs to, you need to know about the features of the Chinese calendar. The main difference between the Eastern calendar and ours is the onset of the new year. If in Western countries the new year always begins on January 1, then in China it begins a few days, weeks or months later. To avoid mistakes, a person born in January or February should first find out when Chinese New Year came in the year of his birth. If the birthday coincides with the Chinese new year, then it is necessary to take into account the influence of two elements – the past and the coming year.
Element Metal
This element has an effect on people whose year of birth ends with "0" or "1". People who are influenced by Metal are distinguished by independence, determination and purposefulness. They have excellent intuition and endurance. These people are distinguished by strong magnetism. Unfortunately, because of their inner strength, they may seem insensitive to others.
Element Water
At the end of the year of birth, the number is "2" or "3". Water people are unpredictable, flexible and fickle. They often do not notice how they are floating with the flow of life. Despite their absent-mindedness, water people adapt perfectly to circumstances. They are very imaginative, charming and romantic. These people do not like responsibility, but prefer freedom.
The Tree element
The last digits of the year of birth are "4" or "5". These people are distinguished by their love of freedom and equanimity, they try to avoid obligations by any means. Tree people often have high intelligence, among their ideals are beauty, freedom and honesty. However, they do not like to admit their mistakes, they try to defend their opinion in any way. For such individuals, the Feng Shui store offers souvenirs in the form of plants and flowers.
The Fire element
"6" or "7" is the last digits of the year of birth. People of Fire are bold, impulsive and dynamic. They are constantly experiencing a lot of good and bad adventures, they do not think of themselves without shocks. Fiery people love to take risks, and the process for them is often more important than the result.
The Earth element
The year of birth ends with "8" or "9". The people of Earth are distinguished by caution, patience and stubbornness. The material side of life is very important for them. They have endurance and perseverance, do not like changes. https://betting24.in/
